A prospective study on effectiveness of drotaverine in acceleration of labor


Cervical Dilatation
Drotaverine Hydrochloride
Labor acceleration


Labor is a naturally occurring physiological process
associated with uterine contractions, effacement,
dilatation of cervix and descent of presenting part.

Drotaverine hydrochloride is a non-anticholinergic iso-
quinoline derivative which acts by elevating intracellular

cyclic Adenosine Mono Phosphate (cAMP) and cyclic
Guanosine Mono Phosphate (cGMP) promoting smooth
muscle relaxation.

Materials And Method: This was
a hospital based prospective study on effectiveness of
Drotaverine Hydrochloride on enhancing dilatation of
cervix and acceleration of active phase of labor. The
sample size was 100. Fifty cases of women in active phase
of labor received injection drotaverine hydrochloride 40
mg (group i) and fifty cases of women did not receive
any drug (group ii) among those at term with singleton
pregnancy and vertex presentation. Variables like
maternal age, interval between administration of drug
and delivery, mode of delivery, apgar score at 5 minutes,
NCU (Neonatal Care Unit) admission and neonatal
outcomes were recorded. Data analysis was done with
the help of SPSS program.

Results: The mean interval
between drug adminstration to delivery in primipara and
multipara in group i was 3.05 hours and 2.31 hours while
in group ii was 4.5 hours and 3.75 hours respectively. The
mean interval between drug adminstration and delivery was
shorter in both groups of multipara. In group i, 96% had
normal delivery and 4 % had vaccum delivery and in group
ii 90% and 10% had normal delivery and vacuum delivery
respectively. None of the participants had caeseraian
section. There were no perinatal mortalities.

The administration of drug Drotaverine Hydrochloride is
effective in shortening duration of labor with favorable
feto-maternal outcome.



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