A Comparative Study of Single Layer Versus Double layer Intestinal Anastomosis
Comparative Study of Single Layer Versus Double layer Intestinal Anastomosis




To determine the efficacy of single layer intestinal anastomosis to
double layer technique in terms of anastomotic healing.
Materials and Methods:
Fifty patients who underwent intestinal anastomosis in the
Department of Surgery, Western Regional Hospital from June 2014
to May 2016 were taken for this comparative study and divided
equally in two groups, 25 each (single layer and double layer).
Of the total fifty cases, twenty-five cases included in each group,
there was no leakage in single layer group while 1 patient had
leakage in double layer group which was statistically insignificant.
Single layer interrupted intestinal anastomosis is simple to carry
out and is as efficacious as double layer anastomosis in terms of
postoperative anastomotic leak.



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