Negative Urine B-hCG Pregnancy Test in Chronic Ectopic Pregnancy – a Case Report
Negative Urine


Chronic ectopic pregnancy
urine pregnancy test


Ectopic pregnancy (EP) is a gynecological emergency that can bring catastrophic condition leading tubal rupture and hemorrhagic shock. Chronic ectopic pregnancy is a very rare type of tubal pregnancy presenting with a tubal mass with negative B hCG ( beta human chorionic gonadotropin test. We present a case in twenty seven years old female with a history of six weeks of amenorrhea with complain of acute lower abdominal pain and per-vaginal bleeding. Urine pregnancy test (UPT) was negative. A total left salpingoectomy was undertaken and the histopathological examination revealed the presence of chorionic villi, suggesting the diagnosis of chronic ectopic tubal pregnancy. It is obvious that ectopic pregnancy could not be excluded with negative urine B-hCG test.



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