Menopausal Symptoms Experienced by Women Attending a Tertiary Level Hospital


Introduction: Menopausal transition fuels various
physical and psychological changes in women.
No woman experiences the same symptoms as
another woman. This study aimed to describe the
variability and magnitude of menopausal symptoms
experienced by Nepalese women aged over 40
years and to explore lifestyle factors associated
with occurrence of these symptoms.

Material and Methods: A descriptive crosssectional study was conducted among 215 women
attending the clinic of Nobel Medical College
Teaching Hospital. Symptomatic checklist
questionnaire including symptoms commonly
associated with menopause was used as instrument.
Stages of Reproductive Aging Workshop+10
principal criteria were used to classify women of
reproductive stage.

Results: The participants’ response rate was 74.13
%. The mean age at menopause was 47.5 ± 4.4
years. Classical vasomotor symptoms, hot flushes
(48.8%), vaginal dryness (12.1%) and night sweats
(37.2%) were reported less than somatic symptoms
and psychological symptoms. The most prevalent
symptom reported was easy fatigue (87%), aching
muscles and joints (80.9%), hair fall (80.9%).
Significant difference in symptoms like sleep
disturbances (p= 0.04), joint stiffness (p=0.00) and
tingling sensation of limbs (p=0.02) was found
across perimenopausal and postmenopausal group
of women.

Conclusion: The variation in occurrence of
“classical” and “non-classical” symptoms
between Nepalese women and women of other
regions demands more tailored interventions.
Innovative, targeted preventative services like
physiotherapy, rehabilitation, counselling, outreach
clinics, awareness programs related to healthier
perimenopausal lifestyle, health seeking and
prospects of hormonal replacement therapy could
be initiated at community levels to cater their needs.


Menopausal Symptoms Experienced by Women Attending a Tertiary Level Hospital


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