Retrospective Study of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Clinically Palpable Breast Lumps


Introduction: Breast carcinoma is the second most
common malignant tumor and leading cause of
death in women. The fine needle aspiration cytology of breast lump is a rapid, safe, cost effective and good screening method .It is important tool for
initial diagnosis and management of palpable breast
swellings. The aim of this study is to identify the
common benign and malignant tumors of the breast

Materials and methods: A retrospective longitudinal study was carried out in the Department of Pathology, Pokhara Academy of Health Sciences
over one year period. Procedure was done using 10
ml disposable syringe. The air-dried smear and wet
smear was stained with Giemsa stain, papanicolaou
stain respectively for morphological study.

Results: Out of 95 cases, 93 were females. Breast
lumps were most common in 20 to 40 years of age
group i.e. 48.42 %( n=95). Benign lesions were
found in 91%. In 22.10% (n=95) of cases, fibroadenoma was seen followed by benign chronic inflammatory lesion (18.94%). In malignant tumor, ductal
carcinoma was diagnosed mostly in 40 -80 years
age group.

Conclusion: Our study concluded that fine needle
aspiration cytology is the early diagnostic tool for
diagnosis of benign and malignant tumor. Fibroadenoma was the common benign tumor and invasive ductal carcinoma was the common malignant tumor.


Retrospective Study of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Clinically Palpable Breast Lumps


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