Prevalence of Caesarean Section in Matri Shishu Miteri Hospital of Gandaki Province


Caesarean Section
Failed Induction


Background : Caesarean section (CS) is one of the
commonest obstetrics procedure to reduce the risks for
mother and fetus when vaginal delivery is not anticipated
. The objective of the study was to determine the rate and
clinical indication of Caesarean section.

Materials and Methods: This was a hospital based
descriptive retrospective study done within a time frame of
a year (from Shrawan 2075 BS to Ashad 2076 BS; 17 July
2018 to July 16 2019) in Matri Shishu Miteri Hospital,
Pokhara,Nepal. The total number of deliveries, their modes
of delivery, indication for the Cesarean section, age group,
number of parity, period of gestation and type of Caesarean
section either elective or emergency were descriptively

Results: A total of five hundred and eighty eight cases
underwent delivery during the study period. Of them
128 (21.76%) cases were delivered by Caesarean
section. Analysis revealed that the common age group
for the CS patients was between 20-30 years (64.8%) of
them 66 (51.6%) cases were primi gravida. Emergency
Caesarean section was done for 75(58.6%) cases and
elective Caesarean section for 53(41.4%) cases. The
most common indication for Caesarean section was
found to be previous caesarean section 21% (n=27),
cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD) 18% (n=23), fetal
distress 18% (n=23), failed induction 14.1% (n=18),
breech presentation 10.2 %( n=13), non progress of
labor (NPOL) 9.4 %( n=12) and oligohydramnios
7.8% (n=10).

Conclusion: Our study revealed that the rate of
Caesarean section is higher than that recommended
by World Health Organization (WHO), which
needed to be 10-15% of the total deliveries. The
common indications for Caesarean sections were
pervious Caesarean section, fetal distress, CPD, failed
induction, breech presentation, non progress of labour
(NPOL) and oligohydramnios among others.




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